Co-Creating People Practices

There are challenges for Human Resources Management (HRM) fraternity to revisit its philosophy and realign with social norms. The ongoing Covid-19 crisis has necessitated transformations of employment and work practices. The pandemic has caused disruptive changes in dynamics within the skills market and retention strategies of organizations forcing for a total revaluation of the current management practices. The application of technologies will promote and encourage modifications in people practices in organizations.

Rabindra Karna 

There are mounting concerns over the widespread problems seen in the HR management processes in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Guiding, training, accommodating, exit management, and succession planning are some of the common HR practices that need to be closely looked into in this changing context.

It is believed that staff in any organization crafts values that help the management to cultivate and influence human relations. The utilization of available resources to best efficiency and effectiveness may be affected by external political and economic factors.

With new generation people joining the job market, the demographic shift in the workforce diversity is becoming more visible. The focus of HR leaders should now be on the development of this human capital deploying new management practices. However, changes in people management practices due to technological advancements like automation have also complicated welfare for employees. The changes have necessitated professionals to broaden their learning horizons around the skills market, processes, and structures to ensure organizational success.

Institutions are under stress to expand their national and international outreach that demands urgent attention to the most efficient human capital management to have a competitive business advantage. Therefore, it has become important to find the right balance in terms of employee performance at desired levels to ensures effectiveness from both ‘psychological and economic angles. HR leaders need to map the route by evaluating past and present. They need to develop a deep understanding of HR philosophies to increase the competence of employees which is essential for organizational transformations. To achieve HR goals, HR professionals need to remove ambiguities in policies and implementation. While they work, they also need to focus on the concerns of employees and try to address problems related to their welfare.

Organizations thrive with HR policies such as the inclusion of a diverse workforce, introduction of advanced management practices, and democratic leadership necessary for having a good work environment and team-building efforts that are supported with purpose and propositions. There should be a reward and recognition system free of any biases and provides fair treatment to all.

It is the responsibility of organizations to ensure newly hired that they will have a good and inclusive working environment. In today’s world, it is necessary to have an inclusive workplace for increased productivity and business growth. Also, equally important is to work for the greater good of society. It is of strategic importance to reach customers and general people through meaningful connections with different quarters of society.

Developing accountability is also an important part of the performance management system. Therefore, enhancement of skills should be prioritized to bring behavioral changes among employees for sustained business success. This is also important for employee retention. To have nonstop peer support, leaders must also be able and interested in developing a creative culture in the organization. The people practices such as communications, participation, creativity, and trust-building bode well for a work climate where there is tolerance towards different opinions and it will instill a feeling of belongingness among the employees. There should be an alignment of top management with HR efforts in building supportive and productive teams which will yield great results for organizations.

The collective performance of teams improves with the recognition of individual members and team efforts. Well-defined organizational culture should add value in terms of building a cohesive organization. While businesses that adapt to the changes are better placed in the market. There will also be fewer conflicts at workplaces. A serious understanding requires joint efforts of all concerned stakeholders in any organization for developing and implementation groundbreaking people practices plans. It is equally important to have a complete engagement of all stakeholders for achieving the organizational goals. Co-creation of people practices also assists in fostering a good environment so that employees working at all levels of the organization deliver a better output. So, not only the HR executives but also the management, as well as investors of the companies, should work for developing HR processes and practices that instill a feeling of ownership among employees.

Karna is Group President at Advance Group.

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